Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Not Perfect~

The main advantages of writing a blog are we can freely express our thoughts and feelings whenever we feel like it. Different people have different way of writing and expressing in their blog. For me, I know that I don't use perfect English when blogging. I'm more comfortable in using Manglish instead of flowery and bombastic words, because this is just the way I am when I talk in daily conversations. I don't go checking in every single post whether I made any grammar mistake, or go checking the best dictionary what bombastic word I should use in my blog just to impress people. What the heck, we're not writing essays for English exam here.

I've my own way of expressing myself. So please do not judge my English just from the way I blog.

Quote of the day: "Judge yourself before you judge others".

2 Mood Swing on "I'm Not Perfect~"

Classico Pastry on September 8, 2008 at 8:00 PM said...

oi woman! don't la emo... steady abit la.. what perfect bo perfect jor???? kekekeke

IvyL on September 9, 2008 at 9:43 PM said...

hahaha, dun worrie, i'm alrite now la :)


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