Tuesday, July 1, 2008


These days have been frustrated with Money Making University bodoh admin. Their management sux to the core. A simple matter like registering for a subject can cause so much confusion and complication due to the lack of communication between the different departments in this university. Different departments can say different things on the same matter wtf. Seriously ruined my mood during the weekend, worrying about it. Haizz.. in the end have to take a subject I'm not very familiar with, coz I'm so freaking pissed and tired of adding and dropping again, with a lecturer who craps non-stop about his past experiences with Olympiad (zzzZz).

But the plus side is seniors say it is an easy subject to score an A . Well, hopefully is true la.

ps. Thx to kkk n jo for the advice!

0 Mood Swing on "Frust"


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