Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Emotional Me

Shit I'm feeling so negative these few days.

Worry, anxious, stress, moodless etc.

And I could not help feeling this way :(

There are things to be concern about right now. Such as my internship and my stupid project assignment. These 2 things are really a big headache to me.

About my internship, I'm still torn between choosing between my hometown or KL. Both has their pros and cons. Of course if I train at my hometown I would not have to worry about accommodation, food and my safety, but I could not find a single company which I'm interested in from my faculty list! There are certainly so much less choices compared to KL area. And I do not want to train at a Kedai Buku at Giant or some unknown company for God's sake! >.< I really want to do something which I'm seriously interested in, because I do not want to make the same mistake twice again.

And the total horror of my assignment this sem O.O. We're being used as guinea pigs for this stupid project which require us to develop a system from scratch (just like how the real world does) for the ease and benefit of Money Making University staff. It is freaking hard ok! If the project is successful, they will use OUR program which we develop to be implemented to their system. In other words, we, the students, are their cheap labour. Dammit. How could they do this to us T.T


ps. Oh and I hope someone will not keep avoiding it too!

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