Tuesday, April 22, 2008

OC Interview

Around 1.30pm today, Jo message me on msn, saying OC (Orientation Committee ) interview results are out. The first thought which came across my mind was " Ok, they didnt message me, means I really didnt get through after all. Kinda expected it la." She told me the results were out on the src blog. So I just went ahead to see its bulletin board out of curiousity anyway.

Here's what it says:

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah and a very good day to all,

We are proud to announce the list of successful candidates of Orientation Committee session 2008. The Human Resource Division of the Orientation Committee finally had discussed and revised to choose only 97 candidates from 180 applicants that meet our selection criteria and standard to ensure that we can give the best performance and experience to our freshies.

We would like to congratulate all those who have been selected as part of the Orientation Committee 2008 family members. We are looking forward to work with all of you in order to make this year's Orientation Programmme a huge success.

For further information,feel free to meet or contact us as detail below :-

Azril Hanafi (013 530 9331)
Puvaneswaran (017 504 9493)
Wong Teck Chee (012 313 5984)

Once again, congratulations to all of you and welcome aboard!


Azril Hanafi b Abdullah Sharwani
Human Resource Division
Orientation Committee 2008


I was VERY surprised when i saw this wei!

I got through after all~!!!! XD lol.

I thought I will fail the interview because I was nervous during the session and the other candidates which went in with me were all so much better in answering the interviewers' questions then me. Especially the last killer situational question, a group discussion among four of us, which I do not get the chance to speak out. lol. Thank God for letting me pass this interview =D

ps. congrats to all my friends who pass this interview as well, Jo Anne, Kei Fai and Sam~! ^^

Current Mood: Happi =D

2 Mood Swing on "OC Interview"

christopher wong on April 22, 2008 at 7:47 PM said...

great job ivy! i wish i can be one of the oc with you guys! really miss my orientation "bear family" haha........

IvyL on April 22, 2008 at 9:17 PM said...

haha, thx alot ya! ^^ yea, miss the old times too lol.


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