Thursday, May 22, 2008

Machine Madness

My last and final paper for my Beta 3rd sem is tomorrow!!


Its The Killer subject -> TMA 1271 Introduction to Machine Architecture

I'm officially dead meat!!!!!!

I do not understand why IT students need to learn this freaking stupid subject and make our life more freaking miserable. Plus it is 4 credit hour! This subject is so bloody tough and it seems that a lot of people fail especially in their Finals (according to seniors who already took this subject). So, we have to rely on our coursework just to pass this subject. Holy shit.

Wish I can just and to the person in charge of putting this fucking subject in our study plan.

current mood: stressed-up

2 Mood Swing on "Machine Madness"

Classico Pastry on May 31, 2008 at 8:48 PM said...

Girl,just wanna let u know.No matter how busy i am or where i go or aaahh,whatever IT is la.I'll be here for u!!=D.xxxxxx

IvyL on June 6, 2008 at 11:02 AM said...

awww.. thanks alot babe! :)
yea, me too..luv ya lots~!


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