Sometimes, when I look at my contact's pm or status on msn or even on fb, I could not help but LOL
I'm just amazed at how busy some people are. Until they are willing to list out every single activity/event which they are involved in and type it out in their pm. And there are those who even put the date of every single event/activity @@ Once a while to me is fine, too many times is argh.
a very busy week ahhhh :17/3 xxx meeting, 18/3 xxx meeting,19-21/03 xxx event, 22/03 xx midterm, 23/03 xxx meeting, 24/03 xxx lab report hand in omg omg omg omg i wan die liaoI know that everyone is busy in their own way. Perhaps these people thinks they are busier than normal busy people, or perhaps this is a competition of "Who is the busiest and has the fulfilling life of all ". lol. I don't know.
But I do know that I just find it funny yet irritating at the same time. I would be thinking at the back of my mind
"Gawd, these people has nothing better to do is it?" and
"Thank God I'm not as busy as them" instead of admiring how busy their life are.
No offense here yea :)